Welcome to the Arkansas Private School Directory

EducationBug.org has compiled a Arkansas private school directory of schools for Arkansas. Each Arkansas private school listing will include name, address, phone number, type of school, and statistics on the Arkansas private school. Our site includes Arkansas preschools, montessori's, Arkansas boarding school, military schools, and K-12

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Arkansas Private School Statistics

Arkansas Private Schools: 177
Number of Private School Students:28,730
Students Enrolled in Arkansas Pre Schools:4,463
Students Enrolled in Arkansas Kindergarten:2,752
Students Enrolled in 1st Grade:2,257
Students Enrolled in 2nd Grade:2,158
Students Enrolled in 3rd Grade:1,986
Students Enrolled in 4th Grade:1,781
Students Enrolled in 5th Grade:1,965
Students Enrolled in 6th Grade:1,811
Students Enrolled in 7th Grade:1,689
Students Enrolled in 8th Grade:1,685
Students Enrolled in 9th Grade:1,416
Students Enrolled in 10th Grade:1,299
Students Enrolled in 11th Grade:1,222
Students Enrolled in 12th Grade:1,112
Asian-Pacific Islander Students:526
American Indian-Alaskan Students:51
Black Students:1,230
Hispanic Students:656
White Students:20,436